GE2153 EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY: Reflection 2 – Systematic Planning In The Use of Media And Evaluation

I have no idea what to write for this second week reflection.

Well lets start with this: Last Friday class was held by Puan Hazrati and it was entitled “Systematic Planning in the Use of Media and Evaluation”. I’m not really sure what it is….

Okay, so here’s the deal, I enter the class late (my bad)(better late than never… right?) and when I enter the class, the lesson had already started. My first thought when I look at the slide is: ‘What does this have to do with Technology Education@our assignment?” because it’s something about instructions? I have to ask my friend about the last lecture just to write this assignment (again, my bad. I’m not paying attention).

At least I don't do this...

But I do remember something interesting from the lecture (thanks, note)(and you too, hand and brain, and pen.. okay where was I again? Oh, yeah that interesting thingy). Puan Hazrati told us about this ABCD thing which stands for Audience, Behaviour, Condition and Degree. These are the things to considerate when we were to make objectives or aims for something. First, we have to know our Audience, which for us (future) teachers, would be the students. And as for Behaviour, we should know what we want them to do, under what Condition. As for Degree, it is how well we would want them to do it (eg: with how many percent accuracy or under what given time). Aaaaaaannnnd that is all that I get from the lecture. I’m sorry Puan Hazrati. You are a very good and friendly and happy and smile-y lecturer. It’s just that (I don’t know why) I’m having a hard time concentrating during that class.

And I do remember one more thing though. She told us to go to this site called KOLB-S Learning Inventory to find out what kind of learner we are. Well, I try googling it but I just can’t find that site. I find that thing interesting though. I mean, I never knew what type of learner I am (I only knew I’m a very lazy, procrastinative (yeah, I made the word up),  last-minute person (you can tell by reading my reflections)).

Well, anyway. Last but not least, again, I want to apologize to Puan Hazrita for not paying attention in her class and I know, as a teacher, one day the information she taught us would be very useful so I wanna thank her for sharing the good information with us.

And here’s a cat, begging for extra marks ;D

GE2153 EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY: Reflection 1 – First Week, First Class.

When I first register for this subject, I honestly have no idea what this subject is all about. Well, of course I get some idea by looking at the name of the subject – “Education Technology” – but I thought it involves teaching us on how to use the technology (like computer and software and stuff) to help us as a teacher in the future, but then I remember we’ve already kinda have already done that during our first semester?


So we went to the first class and our lecturer is the same lecturer that once taught us in “Computer in Education” class, Dr Rosseni, and she also informed us that we’ll also be taught by Miss Aidah and Cik Khazriyati for this subject.

And then she proceed to give us some idea about what to expect from this subject and works that we have to do. And one of it is video-making.

She show us some sample videos from our seniors. Some of it are interesting, some of it are quite long and boring (and I seriously don’t know what the video is trying to say until now). I am kinda nervous about this assignment because it sounds like it requires a lot of hard works and commitment in order to do it. I mean, I have no problems in committing and working hard on something, but I’m kinda scared at the computer part, you know, the editing, software, publishing. Everyone knows I’m not good with the computers.. (TT___TT)

"I have no idea what I'm doing."

And then, like Computer in Education, we’re also required to do a weekly reflection on our blog.

And then, yup, there’s the final exam.

This subject do sounds more fun than Computer in Education. Plus we got to go out and shoot some stuff (with our camera, of course (unless we’re REALLY REALLY stressed out)) and last but not least, I hope we’ll be having fun taking this subject and… hopefully get a good result? Hehehehe?